01. User interface design (mobile)

Lou Coulsons mobile screens

Creating a high-end UI design that elevates the brand while also making it super easy for talent agents, whether they are conducting in-depth talent research or just want a quick bit of info when they are in a cab.

I started off this project looking at typography and how that can elevate the brand. But doing something with a sophisticated twist.

I then noticed that on the talent pages there will be scrolls of first names and last names, that is when i thought about have a regular and italic to add some interest and make it easier on the eye if someone is scanning by surname.

This idea also came to life throughout the headings of the pages.

02. User interface design (desktop)

Lou Coulsons homepage website design

Taking an element from the logo my idea was to bring the line to life throughout the page.

To create a sophisticated design I brought my chosen typography across along with a more muted palette and the the use of the line from the logo started to come to life.

I setup a 12 column grid and then brought in the section cascading down the page, the line then animating with the scroll of the user.

Using the grid in this format breaks up the pace of the scroll of the page, adds interest and also enabled us to vary the ratio and dimensions of the images.

Lou Coulsons profile page website design